Ed's authd ruleset repository

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2004-12-23 : SA plugin v1.7 for SquirrelMail 1.4.x released. This version is pretty much the same as 1.6 was but has been reworked for use with SA 3.0.x - It is not compatible with SA 2.6.x or older. It is available from the downloads page.

2004-07-23 : SA plugin v1.6 for SquirrelMail 1.4.x released today. v1.5 was actually created back in January, but I put off releasing it for no good reason. v1.5 introduced MySQL as an option for the user settings store. Get it from the downloads page.

2004-01-05 : Underlying site technology wholly revamped.

2002-09-25 : Downloads page added.

2002-09-20 : I've been added to the Authd SourceForge page as an admin as jfesler doesn't have the time to do any work on authd himself these days. A patcher for qpopper 4.0.4 has been added to SF by haides.

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